Root canal treatment / endodontics

Dental Practice Johan Huizingalaan

Endodontics is a dental specialization that focuses on treating conditions affecting the interior of the tooth, also known as the root canal. When there is an endodontic condition, root canal treatment can ensure that teeth and molars that would otherwise have to be extracted due to infection or damage can be saved. A root canal treatment is almost always performed by one of our dentists. In exceptional cases, for example, when a root canal is crooked or when treatment is repeated (herendo), the treatment should be carried out by an endodontist. In this case, our dentist will refer you to an endodontist.

What is root canal treatment?

The tissue in the interior of your tooth is called pulp. Pulp consists of nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue and is responsible for providing nutrition and nerve conduction to the tooth. If the pulp is damaged by caries, dental trauma or infection, it may be necessary to perform a root canal treatment. During such treatment, the damaged pulp is removed and replaced with a filling material to preserve the tooth and prevent further damage. If the inflammation is not treated, it can spread further to the jawbone and even the facial bone, leading to serious complications.

If in the event of an emergency you urgently need root canal treatment, we may perform a so-called endostart. During this emergency appointment, one of our dentists will open and flush the root canals. In this way, the worst pain will be relieved. A follow-up appointment is then required in order to complete the treatment.

Do you suffer from sudden pain in your tooth or molar? Or do your teeth hurt when they come into contact with hot or cold food or drinks? Then please do not hesitate to contact us.

How does a root canal treatment proceed?

Root canal treatment takes place at our dental practice in Amsterdam Nieuw-West. Since we can imagine that you are wondering how root canal treatment works, we have listed what you can expect from the treatment:

  1. Before the dentist starts the root canal treatment, he/she will give you a local anaesthetic to numb the tooth.
  2. The dentist will then make a hole in the tooth to gain access to the inflamed tissue. Using special instruments, he/she will remove the inflamed tissue and clean and disinfect the root canal.
  3. After all damaged tissue has been removed, the dentist will fill the root canal with a special filler to ensure that the root canal is sealed and to prevent further infection.
  4. Finally, the hole in the tooth will be closed with a filler and closed with a filling. If the tooth is very weak, the dentist may give you a crown. This can then be placed during a follow-up appointment.

Naturally, it will take some time for the treated area to recover fully. In some cases, however, the inflammation may return, and you may experience severe pain again. In these cases, a herendo may be necessary.

Herendo: a retreatment of the root canal

A herendo, or retreatment of the root canal, is necessary when the root canal of your tooth has become infected again after previous treatment. The purpose of a herendo is to preserve the tooth or molar rather than remove it. For a herendo we often refer you to an endodontist.

During a retreatment, the root canal is cleaned again and prepared for the placement of a filling. This filling ensures that the tooth is firm and can be used normally again. It is important to undergo a herendo on time to ensure that your tooth can be saved. If you suspect that you need a herendo then contact us for professional advice

Aftercare root canal treatment

After a root canal treatment, it is important to take good care of the treated tooth so that recovery proceeds as smoothly as possible. Below are some things you should take into account during the aftercare of a root canal treatment:

  • Avoid hard foods:
    Just after the treatment, it is better to choose soft food that is easy to chew. This not only avoids pain but also gives the placed fillings time to harden fully.
  • Painkillers:
    You may experience pain after the treatment. In that case, you can take a painkiller, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.
  • Check-up appointment:
    During a root canal treatment, the infection of your root canal is treated. Even though the infection is removed after treatment, it takes some time for everything to heal completely. That is why we always schedule a check-up appointment with you, in which we use an X-ray to determine whether the infection has disappeared and how the recovery is progressing.

What is the cost of a root canal treatment?

The cost of root canal treatment can vary depending on the severity of the condition and the number of root canals being treated. For example, a front tooth has only two canals, while a molar has four canals. On average, the costs of a root canal treatment vary between €300 and €700.

Fortunately, your health insurance can help cover some of these costs. However, the amount of reimbursement you receive for a root canal treatment depends on your health insurance. Some health insurance policies offer no or limited reimbursement for root canal treatments, while others offer greater reimbursement. Prior to the treatment, we will draw up a budget so that you can check with your health insurance where you stand.

Frequently asked questions

When is root canal treatment necessary?

A root canal treatment is necessary when the nerve (pulp) in your tooth is infected or inflamed. Common symptoms:

  • Pain that persists for a long time after drinking cold or hot drinks;
  • Spontaneous pain from your tooth or molar;
  • Pain during biting

How long does a root canal treatment take?

The duration of a root canal treatment depends on the number of root canals you have treated. For example, a molar has more root canals than a tooth, so this will take more time. The treatment time for a root canal treatment varies from 30 minutes to about 2 hours.

Is root canal treatment painful?

During the treatment, the dentist will administer local anaesthesia to ensure that you do not feel any pain. However, you may experience some pain or increased sensitivity after the treatment. This is normal and usually temporary If you continue to experience pain after two weeks or it worsens, please contact us.

What happens if I don't undergo root canal treatment when it is necessary?

It is important to undergo a root canal treatment in time to remove the infection or inflammation and save your tooth. The only alternative to root canal treatment is tooth extraction, which is obviously not preferred.

Root Can Treatment Amsterdam Nieuw-West

If you are looking for a professional dentist in Amsterdam Nieuw-West, then you have come to the right place at Dental Practice Johan Huizingalaan. Our practitioners specialize in root canal treatments and can help you solve your dental problems professionally and expertly. Did you know that we are also open 6 days a week, 2 days in the evening? By making our opening hours as long as possible, we hope to provide as many clients as needed with appropriate dental care. Are you not yet registered at our practice? No problem. Registering can easily be done via our website.

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